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A public domain image from NASA archives

| 18/10/11

Publisher Blogging Tips: The Power of the Image

A successful blog is comprised of two things: quality content and engaging visuals. As a blogger, you should not only produce well-crafted content, but you should pair your content with impactful images. The brain processes visual information 60K times faster than text, and images help to break up chucks of text, making your blog post more visually appealing, approachable and readable. So, by having images on your blog you essentially attract more readers, as they are able to easily scan and digest your blog posts.
It's also important to choose the right images for your blog post. Relevant images aid in conveying your post's message, allowing for easier retention, and professional-looking photos give your blog more credibility. It's easy to find the right, free, and legal photo for your blog post - here are a few resources that you can use for your image search:
Public Domain images: Images under public domain are usually older, historical images that have lost their copyrights and are now free for public use. There are many websites host public domain images, especially government or museum websites, and such websites are usually category specific. Some websites/hosts of public domain images may require that you credit them as the source, but most resources allow you to take and use the photo as you wish. Here is a curated list of public domain resources.
A public domain image from NASA archives
A public domain image from NASA archives
Flickr Creative Commons: Creative Commons is a non-profit organization that offers an alternative to a full copyright. There are different types of Creative Commons licenses and each license has its own set of stipulations, but the most basic requirement under any Creative Commons license is that you attribute the author of the image. Many Flickr users have chosen to place their photos under a Creative Commons license. http://www.flickr.com/creativecommons/

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