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Ayu Ting Ting with the song both are successful

| 17/12/11
Ayu phenomenon Ting-Ting and Tutty Says Wibowo, dangdut is currently down. However, the phenomenon of Ayu Ting Ting and Tutty Wibowo as overturning the assumption that, by proving dangdut music is still handsomely rewarded. NamaAyu Ting Ting with the song Palsudan Tutty Address Pregnant Oldest Wibowo with popular songs with a unique way. Both were successful with each song promo song not because crazy like the pop singer or band that is currently flourishing. Both are popular precisely at the start of the grassroots. Ayu Ting Tingsaat this phenomenon. Difficult to explain is, how people can initially fond of the song False Address. In fact, arguably the song that is now sung everywhere that people are absolutely no promo. Moreover, laguAlamat Palsusudah release since 2007 ago. Snippets of lyrics of song 'Addresses False' which berbunyai, where where where it has made a different nuance. From small children to adults love singing, where where where until finally the piece becomes booming. Collection of Sexy Photos Hot Ayu Ting-Ting | Chanter False Address - lintas.bataraemas.com "I do not know what the full song. But, now glad aja ngucapin, where where where. He heard funny and fun," said Five Vi Rachmawati, celebrities who are also fond of the song False Address. Collection of Sexy Photos Hot Ayu Ting-Ting | Chanter Address False - False Address lintas.bataraemas.com From the song, Ayu Ting Ting artist directly tub shot into space. Women born June 20, 1992 Depok was immediately famous and diantre gig schedule, here and there. Almost all the media, race-greedy infotaimen want to peel out Ayu Ting Ting. Collection of Sexy Photos Hot Ayu Ting-Ting | Chanter Address Fraud - Pay lintas.bataraemas.com Ayu singing was increasing rapidly. That said, Ayu usually paid once a gig at Rp250 thousand villages, now increased to Rp30 million each time appearing. No wonder, when Ayu had to temporarily stop the lecture, because have to wait on a gig schedule is super crowded. Not only busy from stage to stage, other producers saw Ayu have the talent to be a presenter. Powerful music show on RCTI did not hesitate to find some Ayu into additional presenters accompany Raffi Ahmad, Olga Syahputra, Olla Ramlan and Dewi Ayu. "He (Ayu) are smart and have the talent to be a presenter. Klu given little, he was quickly caught. So far we are satisfied with Ayu. She looked pretty good," said John Okay, producer Powerful RCTI. In addition to the songs Ayu Ting Ting Address False, no less phenomenal is the song sung Pregnant singer Oldest senior Tutty Wibowo. Since six months of its release, Pregnant Oldest able to sell the Ring Back Tone (RBT) as much as 2 million times downloaded. Amazingly, this song can be downloaded without promotion. Even the songs whose lyrics tend to be witty this was not accepted television and the mobile operators. The reason is, because the lyrics in the song is considered vulgar. But thanks to Youtube media and the song is sung by the duo Shinta lipsync-Jojo, with a unique way Oldest Pregnant song was slowly accepted by society. The song 'Here Too Pregnant' had become a trending topic on Twitter, until finally the song was much in use in television shows. Once able to penetrate the service provider, the song had no trouble getting customers. 2 million RBT in less than six months, a remarkable achievement, in the middle of difficulty of dangdut music against pop music market. Just as a False Address menjulangkan singer's name, the song also again raised Pregnant Oldest Wibowo Tutty name is very popular in 1989 with the song Living Between Two Love this. Although not seramaiAyu Ting Tingdi national television claiming Land Air.Tutty Wibowojuga flooded job singing here and there. Collection of Sexy Photos Hot Ayu Ting-Ting | Chanter False Address - lintas.bataraemas.com One might think dangdut is now lying in the middle of the siege pop music craze. Or, may be difficult for dangdut music television into their realm. But for the people of Indonesia, dangdut music folk music still continues to be popular and loved.

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