Indonesia Emergency telephone numbers & Telephone number information service
datanews | 17/03/12
Indonesia Emergency telephone numbers & Telephone number information service important numbers and service numbers interference in Indonesia which is helpful for you to discover new information that is in Indonesia A. Emergency telephone numbers
- Emergency = 112 - Ambulance = 118
- Police = 110
- Firefighter = 113
- SAR / Search and Rescue = 115
- Command Post of the National Vigilance = 122
- Information and repair the damage and disruption of phone = 117
- Information and repair the damage and power failures = 123
- Red Cross Indonesia or PMI = 021-4207051
- Toxicity Information Center (Siker) = 021-4250767, 021-4227875
B. Telephone number information service
- Information billing or phone bills = 109
- Information-hour or time = 103
- Local Information / General = 108
- Information distance = 106
- International Information = 102
- Long-distance information via operator = 105
- International information via operator = 101/104
- Information telemarketing = 162
- Information and postal giro = 161
- Phonogram Services / Telegram via Phone = 165 Indonesia Emergency telephone numbers & Telephone number information service
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