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Dr. Robert Anthony - The Secret of Deliberate Creation and more!

| 29/06/11
A no-nonsense way to get the results you want...
So SIMPLE, POWERFUL and EFFECTIVE you can toss aside all
the self-improvement programs you have ever purchased

Sunday, 3:35 pm

From the Desk of Dr. Robert Anthony

Dear Friend,

If you don't already know me, let me give you a quick introduction of who I am and what I do

My name is Dr, Robert Anthony. I am a best-selling author, Master Hypnotist, International Trainer, and Personal Performance Consultant. Over the past 25 years Ive trained and worked with thousands of people, helping them to overcome obstacles that have held them back and create the lives theyve always dreamed of. I believe I can help you too.

You will learn more about me later, but for now just sit back and relax and allow me to share some important life-changing information with you. If you cannot see and feel the power behind what I am about to reveal, then this is not for you. If you can, then your life is about to change dramatically. Either way, you will make the right decision for yourself.

Before I share The Secret of Deliberate Creation I will like to take a few minutes to set the record straight. I think you need to know this before you consider what I have to offer.

Over the past five years, since the Secret was published, dozens of manifestation experts and gurus have showed up on the scene. Everyone is cashing in on promoting the Law of Attraction by offering manifestation books, seminars and audio programs.

I think it is important to go on record that I have been teaching the Law of Attraction and Manifestation Secrets for over 25 years. This is nothing new to me. In fact, you can check it out. I have written fifteen books on different aspects of manifestation and the Law of Attraction which have been published since 1980!

No, I wasnt in the Secret, but it is not because I was not asked. In fact, I was the first person Rhonda Byrnes approached for the project. She personally emailed me and said I was her first choice. She also acknowledges me in the introduction of the book.

However, for reasons I prefer to keep private I declined to be part of the project. Now that the dust has cleared, I believe it was the right decision. This is a real story... and I can guarantee you it is genuine and true.

Millions of people who have read my books and have used my programs know that I dont mince words. I am very direct, but I get results. This is what I want for you. I want you to get the results you desire. I also want to earn your business by delivering the most effective and workable Deliberate Creation program on the market. No fluff and No filler. Just amazing results if you take the time to use the program as instructed.

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