--> Profit Siege - Hot Offer From Ex PayPal® Insider | sesuatunews

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Profit Siege - Hot Offer From Ex PayPal® Insider

| 29/06/11
It was on!

Don't ask me how I got it.
I'm not proud of it.
I had to do a lot of begging and borrowing to make it happen.
But, I delivered the money to coders... the POWER coders that were about to make the impossible my new reality.
And along with the money, I gave them my requirements:
This software had to:
  • Create money sucking web pages on the fly
  • Funnel my new traffic sources into ONLY the profitable web pages
  • And then extract the cash profit
  • All automatically
  • And easily
  • Without breaking any laws
  • Click Here!
And of course, I needed it to be so easy to implement that it could be done in under a half an hour.

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